Fertilizer- 4 Step Program

Step 1 March/April – Crabgrass Control with Fertilizer

Apply between approximately March 20th and May 1st depending on soil temperatures. Crabgrass begins to germinate when soil temperatures reach the mid-50s for 72 hours or more. 

Products must be watered into the lawn to activate. 

The product includes 13.00% Urea Nitrogen

Note: Do not put down new grass seed and crabgrass control; Wait 6-8 weeks after application to put down grass seed.

Step 2 May/June – Weed-N-Feed

Weed and Feed to control broad-leaf weeds including, but not limited to: dandelions, clover, thistles, and creeping jenny. 

Apply May 1st to June 30th. Apply when weeds are growing rapidly, and temperatures are between 68 and 80 degrees. The best control is achieved when the grass is moist (with the morning dew).

For best results, avoid mowing and watering (and rain) for 48 hours after application. 

The product is 15.00% urea nitrogen and 2.00% soluble potash or potassium carbonate and potassium salt which helps the grass use water and resist drought. 

Step 3 August/September – Turf Fertilizer or (Weed-N-Feed)

If your weeds are under control, apply ONLY a turf food fertilizer to continue the healthy growth of your lawn. If your weeds are out of control, repeat Step 2 – Weed-N-Feed.

This product contains 22.00% urea nitrogen and 4.00% soluble potash.

Step 4 September/November – Winterize

Winterizer is the most important step of the year for cool-season grasses (Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Rye, Creeping Red Fescues).

Apply a professional “winterize” fertilizer with iron. Iron is essential for producing a strong root system to put your lawn to “sleep” for the winter and to give it that vibrant green for the upcoming spring.

It is important your lawn does not wake up “hungry” in the spring due to missing Step 4.

This product is 12.00% total nitrogen with 0.99% water-insoluble nitrogen, 0.66% slowly available water-soluble nitrogen, and 10.35% urea nitrogen with 3.00% soluble potash, and 1.32% iron.